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(i) Injury to the urinary system, with incapacitating results.
3. All sick prisoners of war whose condition has become chronic to the extent that prognosis seems to
exclude recovery-in spite of treatment-within one year from the inception of the disease, as, for example, in
case of:
(a) Progressive tuberculosis of any organ which, according to medical prognosis, cannot be cured, or at
least considerably improved, by treatment in a neutral country.
(b) Exudate pleurisy.
(c) Serious diseases of the respiratory organs of non-tubercular etiology, presumed incurable. for example:
serious pulmonary emphysema, with or without bronchitis, chronic asthma1; chronic bronchitis1 lasting more
than one year in captivity; bronchiectasis,1 etc.
(d) Serious chronic affections of the circulatory system, for example: valvular lesions and myocarditis1 which
have shown signs of circulatory failure during captivity, even though the Mixed Medical Commission cannot
detect any such signs at the time of examination; affections of the pericardium and the vessels (Buerger's
disease, aneurism of the large vessels); etc.
(e) Serious chronic affections of the digestive organs, for example: gastric or duodenal ulcer-, sequelae of
gastric operations performed in captivity; chronic gastritis, enteritis or colitis, having lasted more than one
year and seriously affecting the general condition: cirrhosis of the liver, chronic cholecystopathy;1 etc.
(f) Serious chronic affections of the genito-urinary organs, for example: chronic diseases of the kidney with
consequent disorders; nephrectomy because of a tubercular kidney; chronic pyelitis or chronic cystitis:
hydronephrosis or pyonephrosis; chronic grave gynaecological conditions-, normal pregnancy, and
obstetrical disorder, where it is impossible to accommodate in a neutral country; etc.
(g) Serious chronic diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, for example: all obvious
psychoses and psychoneuroses, such as serious hysteria, serious captivity psychoneurosis, etc., duly
The decision of the Mixed Medical Commission shall be based to a great extent on the records kept by camp physicians and
surgeons of the same nationality as the prisoners of war, or on an examination by medical specialists of the Detaining Power.
Viadrina International Law Project
Ein Projekt des Lehrstuhls für Öffentliches Recht insb. Völkerrecht, Europarecht sowie ausländisches Verfassungsrecht.
Europa-Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder), 2002
verified by a specialist;1 any epilepsy duly vcrified by the camp physicians.' cerebral arteriosclerosis- chronic
neuritis lasting more than one year. etc.
(h) Serious chronic disease of the neuro-vegetative system, with considerable diminution of mental or
physical fitness. noticeable loss of weight and general asthenia.
(i) Blindness of both eyes, or of one eve when the vision of the other is less than I in spite of the use of
corrective glasses; diminution of visual acuity in cases where it is impossible to restore it by correction to an
acuity of 1/2 in at least one eye;1 other grave ocular affections, for example: glaucoma, iritis, choroiditis;
trachoma, etc.
(k) Auditive disorders, such as total unilateral deafness, if the other car does not discern the ordinary
spoken word at a distance of one metre;1 etc.
(l) Serious affections of metabolism, for example: diabetes mellitus requiring insulin treatment; etc.
(m) Serious disorders of the endocrine glands, for example: thyrotoxicosis; hypothyrosis; Addison's disease;
Simmonds' cachexia; tetany; etc.
(n) Grave and chronic disorders of the blood-forming organs.
(o) Serious cases of chronic intoxication, for example: lead poisoning, mercury poisoing, morphinism.
cocainism, alcoholism; gas or radiation poisoning; etc.
(p) Chronic affections of locomotion, with obvious functional disorders, for example: arthritis deformans,
primary and secondary progressive chronic polyarthritis; rheumatism with serious clinical symptoms; etc.
(q) Serious chronic skin diseases. not amenable to treatment.
(r) Any malignant growth.
(s) Serious chronic infectious diseases, persisting for one year after their inception, for example: malaria
with decided organic impairment, amoebic or bacillary dysentery with grave disorders; tertiary visceral
syphilis resistant to treatment; leprosy; etc.
(t) Serious avitaminosis or serious inanition.
B. Accommodation in neutral countries
The following shall be eligible for accommodation in a neutral country:
1. All wounded prisoners of war who are not likely to recover in captivity, but who might be cured or whose
condition might be considerably improved by accommodation in a neutral country.
2. Prisoners of war suffering from any form of tuberculosis, of whatever organ, and whose treatment in a
neutral country would be likely to lead to recovery or at least to considerable improvement, with the
exception of primary tuberculosis cured before captivity.
Viadrina International Law Project
Ein Projekt des Lehrstuhls für Öffentliches Recht insb. Völkerrecht, Europarecht sowie ausländisches Verfassungsrecht.
Europa-Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder), 2002
3. Prisoners of war suffering from affections requiring treatment of the respiratory, circulatory, digestive,
nervous, sensory, genito-urinary, cutaneous. locomotive organs, etc., if such treatment would clearly have
better results in a neutral country than in captivity.
4. Prisoners of war who have undergone a nephrectomy in captivity for a nontubercular renal affection;
cases of osteomyelitis, on the way to recovery or latent; diabetes mellitus not requiring insulin treatment;
5. Prisoners of war suffering from war or captivity neuroses. Cases of captivity neurosis which are not cured
after three months of accommodation in a neutral country, or which after that length of time are not clearly
on the way to complete cure, shall be repatriated.
6. All prisoners of war suffering from chronic intoxication (gases, metals, alkaloids, etc.), for whom the
prospects of cure in a neutral country are especially favourable.
7. All women prisoners of war who are pregnant or mothers with infants and small children.
The following cases shall not be eligible for accommodation in a neutral country:
1. All duly verified chronic psychoses.
2. All organic or functional nervous affections considered to be incurable.
3. All contagious diseases during the period in which they are transmissible, with the exception of
II. General observations
1. The conditions given shall, in a general way, be interpreted and applied in as broad a spirit as possible.
Neuropathic and psychopathic conditions caused by war or captivity, as well as cases of tuberculosis in all
stages, shall above all benefit by such liberal interpretation. Prisoners of war Who have sustained several
wounds, none of which, considered by itself, justifies repatriation, shall be examined in the same spirit, with
due regard for the psychic traumatism due to the number of their wounds.
2. All unquestionable cases giving the right to direct repatriation (amputation, total blindness or deafness.
open pulmonary tuberculosis, mental disorder. malignant growth, etc.)shall be examined and repatriated as
soon as possible by the camp physicians or by military medical commissions appointed by the Detaining
3. Injuries and diseases which existed before the war and which have not become worse. as well as war
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