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to an Initiatic Fraternity for its custody. This Fraternity was named the Grail Custodians.
Here we are then with the Stone of Jacob, the Sacred Stone of the Scottish Liafail, the
Cubic Stone of Jesod which the Hebraic Kabbalists locate in the sex.
The legitimate text from Wolfram of Echembach, related to this Holy Stone and to the
White Brotherhood which wisely have custody of it, effectually is as follows:
Those heroes are animated by a stone.
Do not you know its August and pure essence?
Iris called Lapiz-Electrix (MAGNES).
Any marvel (MAGIC) can be performed through it.
As the phoenix which is precipitated into the flames,
It can be reborn from its own ashes.
Because within the same flames it rejuvenates its plumage,
Magic Runes Samael Aun Weor
thus rejuvenated, it glows more beautiful than before.
Its power is such that any man,
who, no matter how unhappy in his own state he might be,
no matter his colour, no matter his face, instead of dying as others,
he no longer knows what age might be.
And whether man or woman,
they shall enjoy from this ineffable delight,
which is to contemplate the STONE
for more than two hundred years.
This Initiatic Stone is esoterically converted into the Hermes Cup, into the Sacred
PEDRO, PATAR, PETER, the Initiatic Revelation, is within the sex, and anything that is
not through this way signifies a useless loss of time.
It becomes tremendously significant that as much in the north of America as well as in
the same whole continent, we can find engraved on the stones the LAFTAR, or RUNE
LAF, whose meaning is SAVIOUR.
It is obvious that we must build the church for the Intimate Christ upon the Living Stone.
Woe to those who build their interior temple upon the quicksand of all theories. Rain will
fall, rivers will run and their house will crumble into the abyss, where only weeping and
the gnashing of teeth are heard.
If we join two LAFs by its arms, then we have the letter M of Matrimony.
It is clear and certain by all means that only by treading upon the Path of the Perfect
Matrimony can the Wedding Garment of the soul be attained. This Garment is the perfect
synthesis of the Solar Bodies.
Woe to those unhappy ones who present themselves at the banquet of the Lord, without
the Wedding Garment.
The command of the King is written:
 Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there
shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
 For many are called but few are chosen. (Matthew, 22: 13,14).
The practice which corresponds to this Rune consists of going towards the Sun in the
morning. In the moments of sunrise, adopt a mystical attitude, that is, lift the hands as
shown by the Rune. In this way one implores unto HE (the Sun, Christ) for esoteric help.
This practice must be performed on the 27th of each month.
Magic Runes Samael Aun Weor
In the name of the Truth, we have to affirm the necessity of Renunciation. We need to
pass through the Great Death, and this is only possible by totally liberating ourselves
from the mind.
When Nature has been radically dominated, Omnipotency and the Omniscience are the
logical result.
When the Self-realized Gnostic renounces even to the ideals of Omnipotency and
Omniscience, the destruction of the true seed of evil, the one which brings us into the
Maha-Manvantara (Cosmic Day) after the Great Pralaya (Cosmic Night), is precipitated.
It is obvious that whosoever has achieved the Intimate Self-Realization, has the right to
live in Nirvana, but, if he renounces to such happiness, he will continue upon the direct
path which leads to the Absolute.
Nevertheless, many lateral paths exist, as well as tempting Gods, who are many times
more dangerous than human beings.
They tempt us, not because of evil, or jealousy, not even because of fear of losing their
place, as many oriental authors mistakenly suppose, but, because of compassion.
In these instants in which I write this chapter, something very interesting comes into my
A certain day, after having made a Nirvanic renunciation, I was joyfully in my seventh
principle (Atman), upon a precious balcony of an ineffable mansion.
It is clear that I was in Nirvana, the region of the Dharmasayas, the world of Gods.
Suddenly, floating in that sacred space, many blessed Nirvanis approached me.
Certainly, seeing these ineffable Beings dressed with their tunics of Dharmasayas was
worthy of admiration.
When seeing them, I could verify by direct experience that these Beings are living flames
with three wicks and that they are immortal.
To that end, one of those ineffable ones took the floor in order to tell me:  My Brother,
why are you going through that so narrow, so bitter and so hard path? Here in Nirvana
we are happy. Stay here with us!...
Magic Runes Samael Aun Weor
 The human beings could not patronize me with their temptations, you Gods will not do
so, not even by a long shot. I go to the Absolute. That was my answer. Afterwards, I left
that precious place with a firm and decided step.
The Gnostics who do not achieve absolute perfection die. Then, they are converted into
Gods. They commit the mistake of abandoning the great direct path, they undertake the
lateral paths and acquire many powers. Afterwards, it is clear that they need to
reincarnate anew, in order to enter again into the direct path which will take them into the
It is indispensable to avoid our mental content that takes on diverse forms, with the goal
of attaining the absolute quietude of the mind.
The direct knowledge grants us very beautiful qualities, but whosoever walks on the
direct path must not be attached to such virtues.
The obtaining of psychic powers never leads to any liberation. It is nothing else but a
search for vain enjoyments.
The possession of occult powers does not do anything else but increase that which is
mundane in us, which in the end makes this existence bitterer.
Even when almost achieving the total liberation, numerous souls fail because they cannot
absolutely renounce all their occult powers. Those Beings submerge themselves for a
short time within Nature, in order to emerge anew as owners, chiefs and lords.
Thousands of Gods exist of this type. They are divine and ineffable, but they have not the
right to enter into the Absolute.
Many Self-realized ones exist, who are submerged within Nature. Certainly, these are
brethren who have desisted in this part of their perfection. While impeded for a certain
time in reaching the end, they continue governing this or that part of the universe.
Certainly, the holy Gods correspond to certain superior functions of Nature, which are
attained by different souls. However, in reality, they still have not achieved the final
Only by renouncing the idea of converting ourselves into Gods, and of becoming rulers
of Kalpas (cycles), can the radical absolute liberation be achieved.
Success is close for the one who is extremely energetic. We need to be pitiless towards
To renounce and to die from instant to instant is urgent. We can enter into the Absolute,
but only based on many renunciations and deaths.
Magic Runes Samael Aun Weor
I talk to human beings based on my own direct experience. I am an Avatar from
Really, ISHVARA (the Supreme Master) is a very special Purusha, who is exempted
from sufferings, actions with results, and desires.
Imagine the Universal Spirit of Life as an ocean without beaches, without shores. Think
for a moment in a wave which emerges in order to get lost anew within its liquid element.
Then, this diamantine wave would be ISHVARA. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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